Oh no not the Sinker Hole!!!

This weekend I was reminded of how far I have come. I spent most of the weekend sleeping. I was exhausted. It is a place called Adrenal Fatigue and if I don't do what I need to do to get out of it, it can turn into depression.

For many years I lived there in the sinker hole. I had no tools (or didn’t know where to get the tools) to get me out. So I stayed there and hid in the darkness. There was a time where I used anti-depressents to get me out and other times I would be able to peek out for a moment and then fall back down. There always was a rope to grab onto to lift myself out but I could never seem to find it.

So last week was super emotional for me.  My dog was back at the vet's after trying everything I could to help her with her issues. And I started doing some deep work with my coach after having a break down....or what I like to call Break Through.  That was a whole lot of emotions and then add on regular life stuff like deadlines and taking care of others. (oops forgot to take care of me first) 

So I found myself not being able to keep my eyes open. I would literally sit on the couch and close my eyes and find myself napping.  I knew it was adrenal fatigue and it was from the emotions I am working through and new that I had to listen to my body. It was time to rest. It is the ONLY way to get passed this. I also have some natural products up my sleeve, of course that I went hard core with. 

Life brings us emotional stuff and it will always do that. And I need to be prepared for it. Saying no, setting boundaries and self care can definitely help me stay out of that sinker hole.  But when I happen to fall in, which is pretty rare now,  I work really hard to support my body to heal. I ask for help. I take my oils and supplements and rest my precious body.  I am grateful for the tools to get me back on track. 

So here I am writing in hopes that when you feel like your are headed to that sinker hole. Reach for the rope, a friend, a mirror or just feel your heart. And know you are here on this planet to learn and grow and rest. And you are not meant to do this thing called life alone. I am here for you anytime. 

I am so grateful for great friends, and learning valuable lessons along the way. 

Don't get Stuck in your Story. It's just a story....

What’s your story? We all have a story that can be told. It can enlighten and help others who are struggling. But if we aren’t careful we can stay stuck in our story and therefore never get out of it. We can’t really help another if we don’t have a successful happy ending to our story. Who wants to hear another’s story that doesn’t end well.

Here is my story:  15 years ago I was in a horrific car accident and a very abusive marriage.  I lost everything, I was given a label of having a Brain Injury that would be my disability for the rest of my life. Thank you Universe!

Actually yes, Thank you Universe. I can say thank you Universe because I have released it all. It is not a part of me and as a matter of fact, when I tell my story (which isn’t very often anymore and only when it can help others) I don’t even feel like I am telling you the story of me. It feels like I am telling someone else’s story.  This is when you know that you have healed.

Being grateful for my abusive marriage, my disability and every part of my life is where we all need to get to. It is not always easy to get there fast but it is necessary to take small steps to get there.

Today this is my story. I am a completely healthy being in a successful loving marriage with a desire to love myself more every day and help others find happy endings.

There is nothing wrong with having a story or times in our lives that may have had some drama. It is just important to feel the feelings of it, forgive all those involved and find a way to be grateful for every part of it. Let it go!

And when you can do this. You are a very powerful person who is ready for miracles and exciting stories to come your way. Now when I need to help another who is going through what I have been through I can share my story and give them hope for a new ending.

Happily Ever After Everyone.


Stop Counting Calories and Start Cou ting Chemiicals

My name is Heather and I am responsible for my health. No one else is but me. I can look after my health now or look after my dis-ease tomorrow. I choose to look after my health today.

There are so many toxins in our lives and its time to take a stand against them. Stop counting calories and start counting chemicals. Think about what you are eating, breathing, and putting on our skin. If you stop and think about it, it’s scary. We were never taught to do this years ago but things are different now. There are hormones in our milk, toxic ingredients in our packaged foods, and toxic ingredients in things like toothpaste, scented candles, soap, perfume, make up and the drugs we take and more.

I ask you to just be aware for one week. It’s kind of a challenge. All you need to do is stop counting calories and start counting toxins. Don’t change anything you do. Just be aware. Look at the labels. Be aware of how you feel after eating packaged foods or how you feel after smelling perfume or scented candles or taking a pill.

And once your week is over you will probably have something really in common with me. You will see that its time to slowly rid our lives of these toxins. Back to basics. Start cooking from scratch. Shop the outer isles of your grocery stores or better yet shop at local farmers markets or whole food stores if you can. And start putting things in your body that feel good.

I am in the process of changing how I treat my body and am looking for others to join me. I want to share what I am learning with others. I want to teach my friends, families, strangers and especially children to reach for oils instead of drugs, I want to teach them to read the labels. I want to teach people to pay attention to what is going into their precious bodies.

Want to join me. 

Holy Brain Fog!

Does anyone else out there set alarms on their phones for everything? My husband asked me last night, “Heather why is your phone always beeping, I thought you turned off your notifications?”  I had to tell him that those are notifications of people trying to message me, those are my alarms going off, so I don’t forget to do stuff. 

I set alarms for meetings, to remind me of my word of the year, to remind me that I have a tea date, to take food out for dinner, and you name it, if I can set an alarm for it, I do. 

Why do we have issues with this brain fog? And why is it showing up more right now? 

According to Dr. Lily Brown, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, this may be because our fight or flight is in overdrive lately. When our limbic system is consistently triggered by stressful information or events it overrides the executive functioning part of our brain, which is where rational and clear decision-making occurs. The more that override happens, the more we struggle to focus, motivate, think clearly, or control impulses. 
We also see brain fog show up when we're engaging in less physical activity than usual during the day and/or experiencing poor sleep. Both of these deficits also happen to be a result of stress. 

I spent most of my career in fight or flight. I had an extremely stressful job, plus add all of the stresses at home. I think I may have been addicted to the adrenaline that was rushing constantly. But guess what? That didn’t just make me sick then, it continues to wreak havoc on my body now, even though I don’t have much stress in my life.  I was so hard on my body back then; I am still paying the price now. I have the most sensitive adrenals. One bit of stress, and I mean barely anything, and my adrenals act up. I get middle back pain, and feel exhausted, not just tired. 

So, what do I do to combat this brain fog?  Well seeing that life is constantly busy, I better remember these things I can do to help my brain. 

  1. Sleep. Getting enough sleep is so important. Rest is when our body does most of its healing. So, getting a good night’s rest can really help my brain fog. 
  2. Balance. I love the book Oola. It reminds me of the 7 F’s to living a balanced life. Am I unbalanced? Too much time spent with work and not enough with friends, faith, fitness, fun?? Time to pay attention  or pull out that book again. 
  3. Exercise is great as long as I haven’t gotten myself into full on brain fog, also knows as Adrenal Fatigue. When I am in this mode, I need to rest my poor body. And short slow walks only. It’s time to slow everything down and give my body the time to heal. 
  4. Set those alarms on my phone. Sorry hubby, but if this annoys you, too bad.  I am a no problem, powerful woman who does what she says and shows up to meetings and events when she says she is. And so I am not ok forgetting appointments. It is easy and helpful to know my phone has my back. 
  5. Be healthy! Eat well, drink well and of course oil up! There are so many amazing essential oils for this issue that work. Hey, I wouldn’t be the crazy oil lady I am today if it weren’t for me Googling natural support for adrenal fatigue. Make sure you have the right brand of oils, or it will be a big waste of your time. I have an incredible oily routine that works fast when my Adrenals are acting up. And there are some great blends to diffuse while you work, play or sleep that can support that tired brain of yours. Just ask and I’d be happy to share some great tips. 
  6. Boundaries. Say NO!   I started saying no to people and things and boy does that ever help! Just make sure you are doing it without any thoughts of feeling bad, or it just won’t work.  Making you #1 means, putting you first and your health first…
How do you deal with Brain fog? I’d love to know some of you tips and tricks. 

Feel free to join my Fun Facebook group to learn more tips on being Fabulous and living your best life. : https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatiguetofabulous

Cheerleading 101

First of all, what is a Cheerleader?   
“an enthusiastic and vocal supporter of someone or something”
When we think of a cheerleader we usually think of a sports team, right? Well, what if we thought of it as something we all need in order to live our most Fabulous life? 

What if we realized that without a cheerleader we would fall back into our old ways, old thoughts and those monkeys would start to chatter and tell us we aren’t good enough. 

And what if we found a way to find cheerleaders who would cheer us on. 

Now I am a firm believer in reciprocal relationships so in order to find one you must be one. 
I like to practice being a great cheerleader for the people in my life. I love to tell them how great they look, how proud I am of them, how they make me feel or just plain old “love them up.”

It’s easy really. And it feels so good for them, and you. 

Now comes the next part that is hard for some of us. What if now we get to sit back and let others love us up. Let them tell us how awesome we are and how great we make them feel.  Can you do this?  And can you do it without saying things like “thanks, but….”   I mean really take what they say and go for gold. 

In our lives we look for ways to score, get a touchdown, slam dunk, beat the buzzer, go for the gold medal and we need a cheerleader just like those sports teams. Hey, they wouldn’t succeed if they didn’t have someone cheering them on so how about us? 

So now, how do we get cheerleaders. Be A Cheerleader. 
Practice complimenting others. Practice being that girl with her pom poms. Write love notes, send inspiring messaged and most of all be that “no problem women”. 
And just watch all the pom poms arrive for YOU. 

And if you are looking for a group that is full of cheerleaders, feel free to join my fun private group by clicking here: 


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