My name is Heather and I am responsible for my health. No one else is but me. I can look after my health now or look after my dis-ease tomorrow. I choose to look after my health today.

There are so many toxins in our lives and its time to take a stand against them. Stop counting calories and start counting chemicals. Think about what you are eating, breathing, and putting on our skin. If you stop and think about it, it’s scary. We were never taught to do this years ago but things are different now. There are hormones in our milk, toxic ingredients in our packaged foods, and toxic ingredients in things like toothpaste, scented candles, soap, perfume, make up and the drugs we take and more.

I ask you to just be aware for one week. It’s kind of a challenge. All you need to do is stop counting calories and start counting toxins. Don’t change anything you do. Just be aware. Look at the labels. Be aware of how you feel after eating packaged foods or how you feel after smelling perfume or scented candles or taking a pill.

And once your week is over you will probably have something really in common with me. You will see that its time to slowly rid our lives of these toxins. Back to basics. Start cooking from scratch. Shop the outer isles of your grocery stores or better yet shop at local farmers markets or whole food stores if you can. And start putting things in your body that feel good.

I am in the process of changing how I treat my body and am looking for others to join me. I want to share what I am learning with others. I want to teach my friends, families, strangers and especially children to reach for oils instead of drugs, I want to teach them to read the labels. I want to teach people to pay attention to what is going into their precious bodies.

Want to join me. 


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