Look Back, Only to See How Far You Have Come...

Look Back, Only to See How Far You Have Come...
Wow I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since my life changed dramatically.  It is funny how time heals. 15 years ago, or even 10 years ago I would have never seen so many gifts given to me when I almost lost my life in a serious car accident.
Every single thing changed in my life. It was like a re-birth. And as much as it totally sucked, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. 
It didn’t just suck. I fuckin’ hated it. How could the Universe/God do this to me? What good could possibly come from me losing my career, my family, my brain function and more? 
Oooh did God have amazing plans for me. 
I went from losing everything. And I mean everything. I lost my beautiful big home on acreage. I lost my career, my savings, and I lost my ex-husband years later.  It is funny when I look back and see all the signs I was getting to slow down and make changes.   I had small car accidents, injuries at work, noticing things changing in my relationship with my spouse, dealt with stomach issues (like being punched in the gut), and so much more. 
I was just pretending everything was OK, cuz it really wasn’t that bad. What was bad was that I was not listening to my body. It was screaming for me to slow down and make some changes and so the Universe just said, geez, Heather, I guess we are going to have to get a dump truck on the highway to hit you. 
It took me one year from this accident to get the courage up to leave my very toxic marriage. The addiction had taken its toll on me, and I could no longer stay and be abused. And believe me, it was the hardest thing I ever did. If you know me, you probably know that I am not a quitter. I don’t quit. I find ways to make things great and stick to it. I exhausted every avenue before I took the leap and left my marriage.  
When you lose your job and your health, your marriage and more you lose your identity. Or at least I sure did. Who was I?? I was no longer Heather, the University student, the Program Manager at Mental Health, the Board of Directors member, the wife, mother. I was a sick woman who could barely get out of bed. I slept most days away, living in a tiny trailer trying to focus on getting my health back. 
That car accident 15 years ago gave me an opportunity for a new start.  I got to start my learning to just BE. Just BE Heather. A woman with no labels. I wasn’t someone who worked there or did this or that. I was just ME.  It was the hardest thing for me and the best thing for me. 
I don’t choose to live in the past, but I do love anniversaries. Anniversaries give us an opportunity to look back and see how far we have come. 
Wow, have I ever come far! And wow am I ever grateful for those dark, difficult times that led me to the life I have now. 
Was it easy? Hell no!  Would I do it again? Hell YES! 
Every day is a new day to move forward and a new day to listen to my body and see what she is trying to tell me so I can move forward and follow all my dreams. This time I choose to listen, so it is not so dramatic of a learning curve. 
My life, my health, my family and everything around me is better than it has ever been in my almost 54 years of being on this planet. It is a gift and I appreciate it all.  And maybe I wouldn’t appreciate things and be so  grateful if things weren’t so hard. 
Tough days, never last. They turn into your best days. If you dream it, you can hold it. Dream big, listen to your body and be grateful every single day. 

Have you joined my FATIGUE TO FABULOUS (Click) Facebook group yet? Tips and inspiration to live your best, most Fabulous Life! 

Scheduling Time for YOU - Are you Busy?

Scheduling Time for YOU - Are you Busy?
How many times has someone asked you how you are, and you said, “busy”? 

Or I wish I could join you, but I am so “busy”.   I know you already know this but let’s hear it again. Cuz we all need to be reminded. Especially me who used to live a very “busy” life. And now I know that most of it was to feel worthy, to feel like I was contributing, to feel like I was a good mom, good wife, good…. 

You’ve probably heard the new studies showing how multi-tasking is not our friend. “Doing more than one task at a time, especially more than one complex task, takes a toll on productivity.”  We also know what toll being busy takes on our life. Or do we? 

  • Adrenal Issues: For me, this is huge. I have spent the last several years trying to heal my adrenals that I ruined because I was so busy. I was in that fight or flight mode constantly and our bodies are not meant to do that. Our adrenals are there for emergencies and not to be turned on high all day long.
  • Self Esteem: if our self-worth is part of us being busy then when we are relaxing and enjoying life, how high is our self-esteem? Are we worried about what others will think of us? 
  • Family times/Regret:  Shame and Regret are no place to be but when we look back after living a busy life, many people find that they wish they had more time to do the things they loved. They wish they had more time for their friends and family. Wishing we would have or could have, is not something we ever want to be doing. There is no peace there. 
What other areas of your life are affected by being busy all the time? I know that dis-ease loves to live where love frequency is. Places like guilt, shame, anger, hate, are all places we want to be able to let go of.   It is ok to feel these things, but we never want to get stuck in them.  How many people do you know who have chronic illnesses that lives a busy life and never took the tame to deal with their issues? I know lots, maybe even everyone I know. Including the old me. 

So being busy is great if you set boundaries. Being busy loving you is the best busy you can be. So next time I hear you say I am busy, is it ok if I check in and ask you if you are busy because you feel guilt or shame or are you busy loving yourself and living a Fabulous Life? 

I love my day planner that I write in every day. I schedule in the things “I need to do” and I also schedule in friend time, family time, and ME time.   Make your schedule balanced and you can be as Busy as you like. 

Do you need some Balancing to do in your daily schedule? Don’t wait for a dump truck to hit you on the highway, like I did to slow down and enjoy life. 
Start today! 
Have you joined our Private Facebook group yet?  Click here: Fatigue to Fabulous


7 things that compromise your immune system

7 things that compromise your immune system

I know there is a lot going on in the world right now. Everyone is dealing with it differently. Being aware of our bodies immune system can help us to be proactive in taking care of it.  Here are a few things to remember when loving up your immune system. 

1. Stress
Living a stress free life is impossible but it is possible to create a life with less stress. Things are going to happen. We all have responsibilities.   Learning how to deal with our stress can be so important. 
Ya, things are different than they were yesterday and they will be different tomorrow. What are some ways you can go with the flow? Maybe it’s time to set some new boundaries, let go of toxic relationships, be more organized and most of all ask for help. We are not meant to do this thing called life alone! Reach out and call a friend. I am here.  And I even have a few incredible oil blends that can help you. I am happy to send a sample to you. 
As Robert Morris Sapolsky wrote in his book, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, “Stress-related disease emerges, predominantly, out of the fact that we so often activate a physiological system that has evolved for responding to acute physical emergencies, but we turn it on for months on end, worrying about mortgages, relationships, and promotions.”

2. Lack of sleep
Research has shown that your sleep, or lack of it, impacts your immune system. When we sleep our body does the hard work of healing. And if we aren’t sleeping how is our body going to do this? 
There are lots of tips to get more sleep and rest out there. How about download some sleep music, using essential oils is very helpful for me and my family.  I have a diffuser beside my bed to help me relax and if I awaken in the night a sleep-blend roll-on is right beside me to help me get back to sleep. 
As one study notes, “Sleep and the circadian system are strong regulators of immunological processes.” 

3. Sickness
It might sound like circular reasoning to list “sickness” as a cause of impaired immune function. But the reason I mention it is because sickness can make you vulnerable to the attacks of other germs and viruses. Your immune system can come out the other side of sickness more susceptible to other illnesses.
Another reason to use essential oils. I use them every single day. And it’s not because I am sick. It is so that I can support my immune system so that it doesn’t get sick.  It’s a win win. I get to smell great, feel great and the little teeny tiny molecules get to go through my blood to my cells and do their thing! Supporting my whole body. 

4. Alcohol
Most research studying the impact of alcohol consumption on the immune system involves heavy drinking. But research does suggest that even moderate alcohol consumption can impair the communication between cells which can directly compromise immune function.  It is all up to you. To drink or not to drink. Just be mindful.  

5. Junk food
It might sound like common sense, but let’s ask the question:
Does junk food affect your immune system? 
And of course, the answer is yes. But it’s not as directly related as you might think. Consuming junk foods impairs your body’s immune system in a couple of ways.
First, it starves your body’s microbiome. Secondly, consuming junk food crowds out whole foods you could otherwise be eating.  I live in the moderation world. Everything in moderation. But again, I am mindful when I do eat the junk food. And my body sure tells me when I do. Ugh! 

6. Age
Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about your next birthday. As you age your body’s immune system begins to get a little weaker.
A study published in 2013 noted, “The effects of aging on the immune system are manifest at multiple levels that include reduced production of B and T cells in the bone marrow and thymus and diminished function of mature lymphocytes in secondary lymphoid tissues. As a result, elderly individuals do not respond to immune challenge as robustly as the young.” All the more reason to use Essential oils to boost that immune system.  Having a diffuser beside you as you read, rubbing oils on your body, or ingesting them can have a huge impact on how you feel and of course, support that immune system.   Get oiling!

7. Smoking
You’re probably not surprised to read that smoking also impairs your immune system. Cigarette smoke suppresses cell function and compromises pathogen killing cells that play an important role in your body’s ability to fight off disease. Hello! If you haven’t quit yet, I highly suggest, you guessed it, essential oils. I have helped a few clients quit smoking by using oils. And while you are thinking about quitting, which I hope you are, get that diffuser going and rub those oils! There are some great oils that help support you emotionally and other ways when quitting smoking. Good Luck. I am happy to cheer you on when you are ready. 
Times are difficult for some right now. We have more stressors in our life than we did a few years ago. But with a little support, love, cheerleading and oils we can make sure our Immune System is being cared for.    Don’t wait til you get sick to use them. They work much better when your body isn’t sick.  

My hubby and I drink Thieves oil in our hot water every night before bed. We love that oil in our diffuser too. It's a fantastic routine to have before bed to support our immune system. If you'd like to know more about what oils we use in my house, I am happy to chat anytime.  I love knowing that my oils are working to support my body in soo many ways. 
I also provide an immune boosting treatment. If you'd like to book an appointment, please let me know. 

Happy Healthy Families, One drop at a time,  

Feeling Flat???

Feeling Flat???
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling kind of flat lately? And I don’t mean my stomach. LOL 
Don’t get me wrong, I have a great life and I am very grateful every day. But things have changed.   The ups and downs of life and been more downs than ups. And that means my average has gone down a little. 
The Ups aren’t as Up and there are definitely less of them. Is this happening for you too? 
What can we do about it?  Well, it is up to us to keep the Ups Up. And we just have to find different ways of getting there. 
For example: I used to go to concerts, go dancing, weddings, sporting events, dinner parties, and holidays. These would bring up my vibration.  And now those things aren’t happening. So…the things that used to be just regular things need to become my new UP.   
So before when I had a fantastic meal with my husband, it was just a flat regular event. Now, I need to mindful that this is my UP. I can find so much more gratitude in that now, because it is special. It was just an average day before. 
Maybe I can’t have a big Halloween party with all my friends, but I can have a couple over to watch a hockey game or go out for some wings and beer?  I am starting to see that if I want to get out of the flat – lining or melancholy. I need to change my mindset. 
So today I am going for a walk in the forest. I can just go for a walk in the forest, or I can get super dooper excited about it and think about all that I will see, the people I will meet, nature at its best and the cute dogs I get to say hi to. This can raise my vibe if I get excited about it. 
Finding things to get excited about may sound like work and a little silly but I’m telling you it works. I have so much more energy and way less time to be in the dumps. 
When I start to feel low, I get busy finding things I CAN do and not focus on what I CAN’T.  
Many of us have always done this but now we have to be extra conscious of it until we can go back in to having extraordinary fun times again. 
Are you ready to break free from the Flat Line? 
If you'd like to know more about living a Fabulous life feel free to join me in my private Facebook group : FATIGUE TO FABULOUS

I'm here to help, One Drop at a Time,

It is My Oiliversary today!!

It is my OILiversary today.
7 years ago, a box of oils and a diffuser landed at my front doorstep.

Google had led me to this box. I was struggling so much with my Adrenal Fatigue. I was actually bed ridden with it.

I was sick and tired of all the medications I was taking, and doctors’ appointments and I wanted to try something natural.

Of course, I was completely skeptical. But I was at a rock bottom moment, in bed, and wanted help.

Who knew that this little box would change my life forever?

Within days, I was up and out of bed. Within weeks, my husband was able to stop his daily headache pill habit.   Within months, I was telling all my friends and family about what I was learning. Within 2 years I was off every single medication.

I slowly woke up and started to remove things like all my scented candles, my dryer sheets, and that laundry soap. I switched all my chemical cleaners for one cleaner and then slowly went through all my products and started to let t hem go.

I look around my home now and all I see is the Young Living label. Why this label? Because I never ever have to read the Ingredients list. I never have to worry if they are tricking me and sneaking chemicals into my products.  I know and trust the company and feel the love that is in every bottle.

And most of all the education I have received and new friendships are priceless.

Jeff and I both have never felt better and looked better in our lives.

This little box changed our life and it can change yours too….when you are ready. And only when you are ready. Cuz I would cry if you just bought it and didn’t choose to use it.   NO fad, no expiry, no side effects, just pure love in every product. And I come with your box. I’ve done all the work and can help you Easily switch out a few things immediately and can be there to watch all of those miracles in your life.

I can’t wait for you to get yours….

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