Fatigue To Fabulous

What is it like to live a Fabulous Life? 
Well first of all, I can tell you what it is like to Not live a Fabulous Life.  
Before Fabulous, my life was full of Fatigue, pain, anxiety, and loneliness even though I wasn't alone.  I didn't ask for help, was afraid of being vulnerable, didn’t trust, and was afraid to surrender. Because at that time for me it meant I had lost my power. And who wants that. But what power? The power to be sad, tired, and knowing you weren't living your purpose?  I was looking to find my power but by not asking for help, not being vulnerable, not being grateful for all I had and not surrendering meant that I was STUCK. 
And being stuck isn't fun. It's a place of not growing and learning. And where you are is who you attract. And so, it seemed everyone around me was stuck too. 
I had so many tools to get out of the Fatigue place but had forgotten how to use them and knew I needed more tools. 
I started a Facebook group called Fatigue to Fabulous because I wanted a place where women (and me) could go to remind of us that we don't have to live in Fatigue. We don't have to be tired, sick, or stuck unless we choose. 
I wanted to have a place that reminded me to be grateful, practice things like forgiveness, and gratitude. A place where I could remember that "I am she and she is me".  We don't have to do this thing called life alone. Others have been where I am, and I have been where they are most times. So why not have a safe place to ask for help and remember where our power lives...it lives in us. It lives in all of us. It sometimes just gets buried until we remember to reach out. 
I like to think of my Fabulous tools as a backpack metaphor: I have all of these tools in my backpack and sometimes some get stuck in the very bottom of the pack. I have to reach far to find them. And if I forget about them a woman can remind me to go back and look for them. And even better she can give me a few more tools to add to my pack. 
So what is Living a Fabulous Life? 
Balance, surrendering, being imperfect, asking for help, living a balanced life, forgiveness (of ourselves and others) and having fun. 
I love the Book Oola – Living a Balanced Life and love teaching it (cuz I get to remind me) about the 7 F’s to living a balanced life.  Fitness, Friends, Faith, Finance, Field (work), Fun, and Family. I also love that it reminds us of the Oola Blockers and Accelerators (tools)
Gratitude, Love, Discipline, Integrity, Passion, Humility and Wisdom accelerate us Living our Best Ooola-la Fabulous Life. 
If you are a woman who wants daily reminders of our special gifts and tools. If you want a place to remember who we are and how far we have come.  And there is always a place for new friendships, huge shifts, and Big miracles when we are in a place of surrendering and being around others who remind us of how amazing we all are. 
Feel free to join my private group if you'd like some extra love, reminders, maybe some new tools and new friendships. 
It's a beautiful place to hang out. 
Click if you'd like to join: 

What is a Raindrop Treatment?

After my mentor Gary Young passed away, I was longing for higher purpose work. I wanted to give back to him and honor his life's work. And then all these signs started coming my way. I saw Raindrop Treatment info every where I turned. You know when you buy a red car and then all you see is red car? It was kinda like that.  There were social media posts, books and people talking about it all around me. But what really was it? 

I dove in and those tingly goosebumps were full on.....which means it is what I needed to do. 
I researched and fell in love and then wondered how I could get trained from Vancouver Island? There was training down in the US but it wasn't for 6 months. I wanted to learn now. And so I found a way. I did more research and came to find a woman on the Mainland who was trained by Gary and now trains in Vancouver as well as in China.  I called her and asked her if she could train me. She gathered others from her area and set a date for training.  The training was going to be over 2 weekends. And I didn't care what it took, I was going to be there. 
And...guess what. I was the only one who showed up. So I got her all to myself for 2 full weekends. This was so meant to be. I learned so much from her and her training from Gary and just knew that this was part of my purpose and passion. 

So if you are still wondering what Raindrop Technique here you go: 
 The Raindrop Technique is a method of using a combination of reflexology, aromatherapy, massage techniques, and essential oils applied on your spine and on the feet. High quality essential oils are placed on the reflex points on the feet where the spine is represented. The Raindrop Technique is designed to bring balance to the body with its relaxing and mild application. The Raindrop Technique is a gentle application of essential oils and massage without using hard pressure or trying to force the body to change, which should never be done.
There are Numerous Benefits of Raindrop Therapy; Here Are Just A Few Of Them...
  • Invigorates the Mind
  • Balances Body Energy
  • Pain Reduction
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Improves Circulation
  • Shields from Pathogens
  • Helps with Structural Alignment
  • Relieves Stress
  • Improves Immune Function
  • Promotes Respiratory Benefits
I have just re-opened my Covid Friendly space to provide these well needed treatments in my community. 
Please feel free to  message me if you have any questions or would like to book your appointment. I also provide Foot Detox Bath Treatments as well. 
I look forward to loving you up with this treatment. You will be amazed! I promise. 

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