Feeling Overwhelmed??

Feeling Overwhelmed??

It seems like everyone I talk to these days is overwhelmed. There is too much to do and not enough time in the day. 
Life can be very busy for us all for sure. I was really happy to have this topic at my last women’s group class.  We talked about it in great detail and the lightbulb went on for me. 

I think it was last year after Christmas I was reading Brene Brown’s newest book, Atlas of the Heart. She explained overwhelm so well and I was definitely feeling it then. 
“Overwhelm means an extreme level of stress and emotional and or cognitive intensity to the point of feeling unable to function,” Brown says. “So, I think the big difference is we can function in stress, we really can't function in overwhelm."
When we prioritize what is important to us, we can lessen the overwhelm. I know too well what can happen when we don’t reach out, ask for help and get help when we are overwhelmed.  The Universe will find a way to slow us down if we don’t do it ourselves. This happened to me when I had my car accident that took everything from me, including my career. 

What I learned in my class was that if I first write down my top 3 -5 priorities in my life and then plan my day, I will stay out of overwhelm. 
By setting and stating my priorities each day I stay focused on saying YES to what is important to me and NO to what isn’t. 
I always love November because I call it NO vember! It is a great time to practice saying no things that aren’t’ priorities in your life.  

Most women I know have issues with saying no and therefore get overwhelmed with life. When we know what we really want and care about, we stay true to our priorities and our heart. And we do the things that fill us up. 

Since this class, I have really shifted into feeling so much less overwhelm. My to do lists get done each day with a sense of peace.  I feel so much better about myself and my commitments. What used to fill my day is now a little different and I don’t feel that overwhelm so much. It is like so many things a work in progress for me. Practicing saying no, being in my weekly class to learn every week new ways to fill my heart and have amazing relationships with others and mostly myself is the key to me living my best and most fabulous life. I love my life and love the learning and growing I am doing each day and each week in class. 
Practice saying No this month so you can have the energy to say yes to things next month, but only if they are a part of your priority list and fill your heart. 
My priorities are Family, Friends and Health. If things on my list don’t fit in, I’m saying bye bye! 
What are your Priorities? Be sure to share and watch your life go from #fatiguetofabulous Fast! 


Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for lots of #fatigueto fabulous Tips. 
And if you'd like to learn more about Essential Oils and living a chemical free life follow me here:

Find the Hidden Gift

Find the Hidden Gift
I lost my career in 2006 due to a major car accident. I realized back then that what I did for a living was all I knew to be who I was. 
I can remember going to gatherings with new people and people would always ask, what do you do? 
I would freeze up with fear. Would I tell them I barely get out of bed to walk my dog? Would I lie and make something up?  It got easier as I began to realize that all of this was a gift. 
Believe me it took a while to get to the gift part. 🎁 
What I was given was an opportunity to lead from my heart. My head was broken, so that made it a little easier.  I was able to find things that I loved and do them.  I never ever thought I'd find a job from it. Heck, I was told I'd never work again. 
It was this gift of being in my heart, and looking for ways to heal my head that led me to eventually earning some money. Although, that was all just a big bonus. 
I was taught that work was something that made you who you are. If you weren’t working, you were a nobody. I now know that work is a four letter word. The definition of Work:  activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. 
Work is not your value. It is things you to do achieve results. Not necessarily money.  For me, after my accident, work was now going to be about me. It was going to be healing, and loving myself just as I am. Changing our default settings isn’t always easy.  
As I began to heal, I began to get energy and find things I loved once again. I found the love of my life, a beautiful healing home, my garden, a puppy and many new friends.   
I started to share how I was healing with these women and they wanted to purchase the products I was using. I really had no idea that what I was doing was working.  When I found out that I was getting paid money for sharing and teaching what I was doing I was literally shocked. I was doing what I loved. No stress at all and meeting new friends. And the best part was that even though they weren’t looking for money, they were receiving it too.... just for sharing their health stories.  
I have been teaching and sharing my health stories for I think 8 years now. My friends and I still earn money each month and we still continue to heal and share.   
I am truly blessed that a horrific car accident could bring me such an incredible gift.  A gift of learning to lead from my heart, healing my body, new amazing friendships, a passion and a purpose and the best life ever.  
Sometimes our worst days, actually catapult us to our best day. #fatiguetofabulous can happen for you too. Message me and lets heal the world together... one drop at a time.  

Protect Your Vibe

We all have a vibe. And it changes constantly. Sometimes it is really high and sometimes it can be low. It is life!  When our vibe is high we are feeling emotionally, physically and spiritually awesome. And when it is low we may be feeling  sadness, sick, tired,  depressed, etc. 

I work hard daily to keep my vibe high. And yes it takes work. Lucky for me, I was raised by a mother who taught us that our glass is always half full, not half empty. 
Some ways I keep my vibe high are:
1. Get lots of rest and eat healthy, most of the time. 
2. Get outside in the fresh air and walk in the forest, at the beach, or just walk. 
3. Be around other high vibers. Go for a tea or walk with a friend. 
4. Set boundaries. Say No. 
5. Use my oils, every day, and I mean every day. 

Here are 10 steps to protect your beautiful vibe  

1. Let go of things you can’t control 
2. Avoid comparing yourself to others 
3. Keep your faith larger than your fears 
4. Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right
5. Don’t be afraid to spend time alone 
6. Avoid gossiping and bashing others 
7. Speak kindly to yourself and to others 
8. Please yourself before trying to please others. 
9. Stay away from people who drain your energy. 
10. Ignore any opinions that don’t enhance your life 

By using oils every day, I am grounded, and feel fabulous. I have oils that help me when I am feeling sad, sick, tired and need some vibe raising.  Every day, I am committed to wake up, rub and drink my oils and start with a clean slate.  I write down all the things I am grateful for and what went well for me and why, and then I am ready for my day. 
It takes practice to live a fabulous life.  
Start with one drop of oil and one affirmation. Then watch for all the tiny and big miracles that are on their way. 
I'd love to suggest a few oils that can help you to raise your vibe, anytime.  I have some real favorites. 

Happy Vibe Raising! 

Headaches Again? Maybe It’s Time We Tried Those Hippie Oils?

Headaches Again? Maybe It’s Time We Tried Those Hippie Oils?

Call me a hippie but I am telling you these oils work. Almost every day I find a new use for these oils. And every day I feel amazing.

I may be a hippie and a peace lover but my number one priority is loving ME. And ever since I started on this journey of taking care of me, I have been finding new ways to take care of my health naturally. 

What did they do before pharmaceutical drugs? They obviously had headaches, pain, tummy problems and a hard time falling asleep. I am sure they were stressed out back then too. And they found ways to get rid of all of that with what they had. Then came the pharmaceutical companies who made millions of dollars trying to tell you that there way was better. It was for them, but not for you. They forgot to tell you that these were not natural products you were putting in your body and that you would get side effects, allergic reactions and they would harm your liver. But they sure made a lot of money from you. Hey, I know that there are lots of great things that the pharmaceutical companies have made for us. Sometimes we need them, but many times we don't. 

When you really start loving yourself you become a hippie like me. You start looking at what you are putting in to that beautiful body you call home. You start questioning what is in your food, drugs, make-up and I even question what is in my puppies food.

My oil journey started when I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue. I could barely get out of bed. Walking my dog stopped, and so did everything else around my house. I started researching like crazy and found all kinds of natural suggestions. I came across some oil information and asked my friend to share her oil experience with me. Before I knew it I was in the market for some Nutmeg oil. I found the best company on the market and my journey began. I bought the oil kit which contained about a dozen oils and a diffuser and I was in heaven. I started researching what I could do with the other oils in the kit.  My pharmacist told me it would take 3-6 months to recover and in 2 weeks I was walking my dog in the forest.

My husband has had chronic headaches his whole life. He was popping Advil 3-4 times a day, every day for relief. So I tried a little experiment. We were running out of Advil and I asked him if we could try oils instead. If they didn’t work I would go and buy more Advil. The first thing I did was put lavender on his temples and got him to breathe in peppermint. 

His headache disappeared almost immediately. He was not convinced but I was. He rarely takes a pill now for a headache or anyting.  I found hundreds more uses for the oils from tummy ache issues to using the oils for bug/flea sprays, facial creams, ointments for pain and so much more.

I am a believer, not because I am a hippie but because they work and I feel amazing. I tell my friends and family and once they try them, they are so excited that they actually work. I know many of you reading this are thinking this girl is just making all this up. All I can say is try it!.

The oils don’t expire, they are really inexpensive and the kit I bought replaced everything in my medicine cupboard. And as for the diffuser. OMG. I love it. I can use it to purify the air, help with cough and cold symptoms, or just enjoy the scent. Oh and one of the greatest things I made: A spray for my hubby’s very smelly hockey gear that not only smells nice but kills the bacteria. Oh yeah!! Hippie Freaks Rule!!!  Oh and don't forget that Health Canada has Approved these oils. Yup!! So you don't have to trust just me. 

Ask me more or do the research for yourself. Oils changed my life and I know they will change yours too. 


The Ups and Downs of Life

The Ups and Downs of Life

Even when you have finally created a life of no drama and a life full of amazing people, there are still those days where you feel up and days where you feel down. What’s up with that? 

I find that when I have lots of up days that I forget about the downs. I feel like I am riding on a high. I am energized and can accomplish so much in a day. I sleep well and wake up ready to go. I get visions and downloads to help me figure out my life’s purpose. My housework gets done and so does my business work. And then… a down day arrives. Lucky for me these are pretty rare now.  

I know, it’s the Universe slowing me down and helping me to rest but it really sucks! I wake up and can’t get out of bed. When I do, I have no idea what to do. I wander around the house and just dream of going back to bed. I can’t concentrate and I feel like I can’t accomplish anything. Just thinking of what to make my family for dinner is a big decision for me. 

So what do I do? Well I sit in a pity party for a little while (this time gets shorter and shorter) and then do my best to snap out of it. I write in my gratitude journal and try to find things I am grateful for. I try to not be hard on myself for not getting off the couch and I try to be really gentle with myself. I reach out and meet a friend for tea or go for a walk in the forest. I do my best to just “BE” and enjoy the quietness. 

This down time is a gift from the Universe and I really need to get out of my slump and say Thank You. Thank you for giving me a day to rest my body so I can be ready for the next Up day that is on its way. Thank you for reminding me that on my Up days, I sometimes over do it. Thank you for reminding me to take time for me and my girlfriends. Thank you for reminding me how far I have come. 

So here I sit at my computer and plan my walk and know that it may be the only thing I get done today. But that is OK. Because I am so grateful for the life I have created where I can have those down days and I can learn to be grateful for all that I have. 

I am eagerly waiting for the Up day to arrive while trying to BE in the moment of enjoying the Down day and being Grateful! 

Living a Fabulous life is finding gifts in the lows and highs in life. I love the life I have created. Was it easy, not really, but it sure was worth every down day. Cuz I wouldn’t be who and where I am today without them.  

Join me in my group Fatigue to Fabulous where we post suggestions for living the most Fabulous life. There are also free monthly classes to connect with other Fabulous like-minded women, too.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatiguetofabulous 

Cheers to the Ups and Downs,  Heather


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